NAKAVERSE Sale Opens for SGC Members
Satoshi Gaming Club members tap into NAKAVERSE sale benefits with wider digital land sale opening tomorrow
The NAKAVERSE digital land sale is officially open! The NAKAVERSE sale is the first Metaverse environment with intrinsic value incorporated into the digital land sale. The NAKAVERSE is an immersive digital world that reflects the real-world economy with limited land and resources that can be used to create valuable in-game assets.
Each plot of digital land will include access to in-game resources such as copper and wood which can be used to create valuable assets and items within the NAKAVERSE. The ability to create such assets will allow NAKAVERSE digital land plot owners to derive a sustainable yield from their land.
The NAKAVERSE digital land sale is currently open to Satoshi Gaming Club (SGC) members. SGC members with over 30k NAKA tokens will receive one extra piece of digital land for their purchase. For instance, a purchase of one digital land plot will include one additional land plot for SGC members with over 30k NAKA while purchase of ten digital land plots would also include one additional land plot.
Form for SGC Members with 30,000 NAKA:
SGC members with over 10k tokens that make a purchase will get, on top of their purchased land, a one-year access to a land plot that will drastically increase their productivity. This increase in productivity will enable the owners to create in-game assets and items at a faster and more efficient rate than others within the NAKAVERSE.
Form for SGC Members with 10,000 NAKA:
The NAKAVERSE sale will officially open to anyone with over 1k NAKA tokens tomorrow. This will be the opportunity for anyone with 1k NAKA tokens to secure digital land in the first Metaverse where land plots contain intrinsic value and access to rare resources. Early indicators suggest that demand for the sale is extremely high so be prepared to purchase the land as the sale opens.