NAKAVERSE Digital Land Plot Distribution
Nakamoto Games unveils distribution details for NAKAVERSE digital land plot private sale investors
From Monday, private sale investors in the NAKAVERSE digital land sale will receive codes to redeem their land purchases in this highly-anticipated Metaverse environment. The NAKAVERSE is a deeply immersive Metaverse environment that replicates the real-world economy and operates alongside Nakamoto Games growing suite of play-to-earn gaming options.
Investors worldwide scrambled to gain exposure to the sale of these rare and valuable digital land plots. We are pleased to announce that each of these investors will be privately distributed details on how to redeem their land on Monday. These details will not be distributed publicly as they only pertain to those that participated in the sale.
In addition to individual investors, the NAKAVERSE digital land sale also saw strong participation from investment funds and pools of investors. In these cases, the redeem code will be distributed to the owner or lead of these respective funds and pools.
NAKAVERSE is breaking new ground with its cutting-edge Metaverse environment. Every entity that participated in the private sale is playing a role in the future of Metaverse environments and Nakamoto Games is thrilled to distribute the access to these digital land plots. Once the distributed codes are redeemed, investors will be able to immediately view their land plots on both the Nakamoto Games dashboard and the OpenSea marketplace.