The NAKAVERSE is an immersive virtual world created to exist alongside the expanding suite of titles on the Nakamoto Games platform. Nakamoto Games has constructed a captivating Metaverse brimming with enthusiastic gamers, small businesses, corporations, and digital homeowners. Players can forge their own path and identity all while netting monetary rewards within this expansive virtual environment. The NAKAVERSE has rapidly flourished into an MMORPG which is both fun for players and profitable for investors. But how does it work?
The NAKAVERSE replicates the real world economy with a self organizing social and economic structure centered around its native token $NAKA. Citizens of the the NAKAVERSE can adopt a number of roles within the ecosystem to earn $NAKA. Whether you choose to become a landowner, a factory operator or a factory worker, the rewards generated from the NAKAVERSE can substantially increase the passive income of its users. Players and investors can purchase land and immediately set up factories to begin mining raw materials. The resources extracted from the land are combined to produce assets which are essential components in all of the games on the Nakamoto Games platform. Assets can be freely traded on our native marketplace to generate profit for producers.
Each land parcel will contain resources which must then be extracted by its owner. Land will predominantly contain one primary resource but will also generate smaller amounts of various secondary resources. For example, if you purchased a plot of land labeled ‘copper mine’, a factory setup would produce a large quantity of copper ore in relation to other materials such as coal, iron wood etc. The extracted ore can then be turned into ingots. Factory owners can mine up to 800,000 ingots per day generating a lucrative yield of 40 USDT. The factory will exhaust resources after 1000 days if the owner is producing maximum output. The end result will net the user a grand total of 40,000 USDT after NFT factory costs and factory maintenance. Full details on how users can profit from land in the NAKAVERSE can be found in our comprehensive video – NAKAVERSE Land Explained - All you need to know about the NAKAVERSE.
Non land owners can also earn rewards by becoming factory workers. Anyone registered as a Nakamoto Games user can apply to become a factory worker. Workers receive compensation from owners for assisting in the extraction and generation of raw materials. The more players the land owner employs, the greater the factory's output will be. Workers have a regenerative strength bar that dictates the duration of time they can spend laboring. Tired workers can replenish their strength by resting in recreational facilities or dining in eateries within the NAKAVESE.
If you own land but don’t want to operate the NFT factory yourself, you can lease your land to another user who can in turn build and operate the factory. Land owners can set the rent anywhere between 20-30 USDT per day. If you do not have sufficient start up capital, Nakamoto Games has implemented an installment plan for potential investors. Additionally, individuals can pool their funds together to invest in a land parcel. It must be noted however that each unit of land can only be linked to one address in the blockchain.
The NAKAVERSE is another exemplary project that embodies the forward thinking culture within Nakamoto Games. Investors will own a share of a booming Metaverse with the potential to serve millions of players as the enterprise grows. The NAKAVERSE's unique real-world economic model sets it apart from its competitors, establishing itself as a pioneering metaverse in the digital world. Please see our NAKAVERSE LAND FAQ if you want to learn more about the intricacies of the NAKAVERSE.